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A. P. Shepherd    THE TRINITY IN MAN AND NATURE  (Originally given as a lecture at the members' conference of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain, Ripon, 1959) I n this article I am attempting to expound a concept of the nature of Being and Reality that has been in my mind for the past eighteen years. I shall be covering ground that many have explored and written about, but for the most part I shall make little reference to other points of view. To present a subject such as this in one article must involve omissions and tentative statements, but I hope I shall succeed in making plain the general theme of my argument.  As every student of Anthroposophy knows. Dr Steiner revealed the presence of Man and Nature of many trinities or threefold relationships. Man is spirit, soul and body: in his earthly life he functions through three sheaths, the astral, the etheric and the physical; he expresses himself in thinking, feeling and willing. In his physical manifestation he is hea